10 Famous Bridges in New York

This article uncovers 10 Famous Bridges in New York for you to tour, take pictures and marvel at. Enjoy!

New York has different cities that are divided by large waters and need bridges to drive or walk through. Most of these bridges are toll-free, but others are not. They are maintained by different departments and companies that ensure that the maintenance of the bridges is done and that efficiency is maintained.

In no particular order, here is a list of 10 famous bridges in New York.

Brooklyn Bridge

Brooklyn Bridge is the most famous bridge in New York.

This hybrid cable-suspended bridge is located in the famous New York City and suspends on the East River. It was built in the early 1880s and officially opened on 24th May 1883. and was the longest suspension bridge at that time.

With a total length of 6,016 ft. and 85 ft. wideness, this bridge is 127 ft. above water and has a height of 272 ft. This bridge’s suspensions are made of steel wire erected diagonally and vertically.

Brooklyn Bridge connects two major cities, Manhattan and Brooklyn, and only passenger cars, pedestrians, and bicycles are allowed to pass through. It carries five lanes of path for the vehicles, a protected bicycle path, and a pedestrian path.

Manhattan Bridge

Manhattan Bridge is famous for its link between Lower Manhattan and Downtown Brooklyn, and it passes through East Water. It starts at Canal Street and ends at Flatbush Avenue Extension.

This bridge’s construction began in 1901 and was completed in 1909 before officially opening on 31st December 1909. It was designed by Leon Solomon and constructed by Othniel Foster.

Its length is 6,855 ft. and has a width of 120 ft. Its height above is 336ft, while the distance from East Water is 135ft.

This Warren truss-made bridge contains seven lanes of roadway and four train tracks for the New York City Subway. Interestingly, the bridge has upper and lower sections where the paths have been divided to reduce traffic.

Williamsburg Bridge

Williamsburg Bridge is among the famous bridges in New York.

The Williamsburg Bridge also crosses the East River and connects Williamsburg and the Lower East Side of Manhattan. It was built between 1896 and 1903 and was opened on 19th December 1903.

Unlike other suspension bridges, Williamsburg is supported by truss work and additional towers on each side, and it is made of steel. Other features include a 1,600ft long main span and four main cables suspended from two towers.

Its designer, Leffert L. Buck, ensured it carried two subway tracks, eight vehicle lanes, and two paths for pedestrians and bike riders.

Its length is 1607 ft. with a width and height of 118 ft. and 135 ft., respectively.

Queensboro Bridge

Queensboro officially opened on 30th March 1909, but was built between 1901 and 1909. It was the longest cantilever bridge in the US, and it crosses the East River connecting Manhattan to Queens at Long Island City and Upper East Side.

This bridge has two levels with two lanes and five lanes, respectively. The lower level also has a pedestrian walk and a bike path.

Queensboro Bridge is made of steel cantilever and has two of the most extended spans in the world. Its length is 7,449 ft. and has a width of 100ft with a 350 ft. height.

Gustav Lindenthal designed this brilliant historical architecture, which the New York City Department of Transportation is currently maintaining.

Bow Bridge

Bow Bridge is one of the most romantic bridges in New York. It is located in Central Park.

Central Park is a cast iron bridge crossing over the Ramble and Lake and is usually used as a pedestrian walkway. Its design is an interlocking circle banister and is a classical Greek design. It was designed by Calvert Vaux and Jacob Wrey Mould and was opened in 1862.

It has undergone two renovations in 1974 and late 2023. This bridge is an ornamental bridge and is the only one of seven ornamental bridges in Central Park that do not transverse a bridle path.

Its total length is 87 ft, and its longest span of 60 ft.

Verazzano Narrows Bridge

The Verrazano Bridge is a famous bridge in New York whose design is a suspension bridge made of heavy steel trusses and weighs 1,265,000 tones.

Othmar Ammann, among other engineers at Ammann & Whitney, engineered and designed it. It was constructed in August 1959 and opened in November 1964. However, the lower level was completed in 1969.

It is known to have the 18th longest span worldwide. It has a total length of 13,700 ft and a width of 103 ft. Its height is 693 ft and contains 13 lanes, with 7 in the upper and 6 in the lower levels.

Robert F Kennedy Bridge

Formerly known as Triborough Bridge, The RFK is a bridge complex linking Queens, Manhattan, and the Bronx. These bridges incorporate a truss bridge, a suspension bridge, and a vertical-lift bridge, but they are made mainly of asphalt and steel girders.

It was built in the early 1900s but was officially opened on 11th July 1936, and the construction cost $60,300,000. Its lengths are 2,780 ft., 770 ft., and 16,00 ft. for the Queens, Manhattan, and Bronx spans, respectively.

It crosses the East River, Harlem River, and Bronx Kill; impressive, right?

It has undergone several maintenance checks and is currently maintained by MTA Bridges and Tunnels.

George Washington Bridge

George Washington Bridge, named after America’s first president, is a double-decker suspension bridge that connects Fort Lee, New Jersey, and Manhattan at Washington Heights and is the world’s busiest bridge.

The construction commenced in 1927 and went on until 1931 when they officially opened. Later 1959, they built the lower level, which was completed in 1962. This bridge is made of pure steel.

Its length is 4,760 ft. and has a width of 119 ft. with a height of 604 ft. Its longest span is 3,500 ft.

This bridge has 14 lanes, 8 on the upper deck and 6 on the lower deck, and is currently maintained by the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey.

Hell Gate Bridge

Hells Gate Bridge is a dome-shaped New York bridge that crosses Hell Gate, Little Hell Gate, and Bronx Kill to connect the Pennsylvania railroad with New England and New Haven with the Hartford Railroad.

His plan was first proposed in 1900, but the official opening was in early 1917.

Hell Gate Bridge, which has a length and width of 17,000 ft. and 100 ft., respectively. It was designed by the famous Gustav Lindenthal.

It is made of steel, has three tracks, and is exclusively a railroad bridge.

The High Bridge

The High Bridge is another notable Bridge in New York.

Previously referred to as the Aqueduct Bridge, The High Bridge is an arch-shaped bridge located in New York City that connects the Bronx to Manhattan and is the city’s oldest bridge. The High Bridge passes over the Harlem River and is used by pedestrians and motorcycles.

This bridge was built in 1927 and has since undergone several renovations under the maintenance of NYC Parks and The Government of New York City.

It is made of steel and is 1,450 ft. in total length and 140 ft. in height.

Frequently Asked Questions about Bridges in New York

What is the name of the Famous Bridge in New York?

The Brooklyn Bridge is the most famous in New York.

Why is the Brooklyn Bridge so Famous?

Brooklyn Bridge was the first suspension bridge that used steel cable wire and featured 19th-century engineering.

What are the three major bridges in New York City?

  • Manhattan Bridge
  • Washington Bridge
  • Williamsburg Bridge

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